Bike posts: what is it, where to look, rules of conduct when visiting

The interior of a Russian hotel for bikers: motorcycles, gas stations, seats in the form of barrels of engine oil, mostly monochrome colors.

The bikeposts have embodied the principles on which the biker movement stands: complete freedom on the verge of anarchy and mutual assistance in difficult situations.

When and where exactly the first bike post appeared is not known for certain. I can only assume that it is definitely not in the CIS, because the motorcycle movement in our country was formed at the end of the 80s. of the last century, and in the States, bikers created the first motorcycle communities already in the late 40s. Therefore, most likely, the idea of ​​bikeposts and its initial implementation took place on the territory of European countries or the USA, and then this idea came to the CIS.

Bike posts, as a rule, are engaged in caring motorcyclists who have experienced many of the “charms” of traveling on a bike without the slightest hope of outside help: unexpected breakdowns, spending the night somewhere in a field in the rain or in the cold, and it’s good if then the wanderer had a sleeping bag. That is why they create motorhomes, where the traveler has the opportunity to spend the night in a dry and warm place, repair equipment and, in the end, just chat with a like-minded person. So we can say that bikeposts contribute to the rallying of bikers and the establishment of new contacts.

Any person who intends to go on a long motorcycle trip needs to find information about motorhomes along the route in order to have insurance in the form of help from fellow in case of unforeseen situations.

What are the bikeposts

If we classify the available information about bikeposts, then 2 types of them are clearly distinguished:

  1. The first type is almost completely similar to traditional campsites or motels near the highway, but with an emphasis on servicing motorcyclists and with the appropriate infrastructure for them (special parking lots and motorcycle services). The owners of such bike posts consider them as a source of income, so bikers will not be helped here for free. In our country, such motohostels and motohotels are still poorly developed and are rare compared to, for example, the United States, where there are huge biker complexes on the main roads with all kinds of paid services for motorcyclists. An example of an unusual paid bike post in Russia is a hotel in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.
    The symbol of the famous bike hotel in Russia in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky is a human skeleton woven into a motorcycle. He figuratively demonstrates to others that bikers cannot imagine themselves without a motorcycle and are one with it.
  2. For traveling bikers who do not have money or the desire to give it to the owners of paid motorhomes, there is a second type of bike posts. They are shareware and kept at the expense of the enthusiasm of its owner. Conditional free of charge means that, according to the rules of good manners, it is advisable for the traveler to leave some amount of money to the receiving party, but if it is not enough, then you can leave nothing. Visitors are received by the owner on his personal territory, and the repair of the “iron horse” often takes place in the garage with the direct participation of the owner’s friends, bikers like him.

How to behave at a bike post?

Bikers, when interacting with each other, adhere to some rules of behavior accepted in society, despite a clearly expressed protest against it. And, perhaps, the main rule when visiting a bike post is to treat its owner with respect and appreciate his efforts. I have heard a lot of reviews about unscrupulous motorcyclists who believe that a freebie will break off at the bike posts, that they are obliged to help them there for free and fulfill their whims. And then the person holding the motohouse closes it, because he is tired of seeing himself neglected and feeling like a consumable.

Below I will write a few rules that will make visiting any bike post pleasant and conflict-free, help to leave a good impression of you and, as a result, strengthen the unity of the biker community:

  1. Keep track of time zones. Seriously and without jokes. Understand that it is with you, for example, in Kazan it may be 9 pm, and near Krasnoyarsk at this time it is already 1 am. If you do not take care of keeping track of time zones and setting your clocks in advance, you will, for example, call the owner of the Krasnoyarsk bike post late at night, when he has long been in bed. Imagine yourself in his place, understand what unpleasant emotions you would experience when a late guest appeared, and then build relationships over time.

  2. Assess your strength and understand how many hours a day you can ride. Only in this case you will be able to adequately determine the places of lodging for the night on the route. Then you need to call or otherwise contact the bike posts where you plan to stop, chat with the owners and ask them to take you on a certain day.

  3. Be sure to ask the host what you owe for an overnight stay or repairs. Despite the fact that bikers live on the principle of selfless help to each other, do not forget that the owner of the bike post spent his time and energy on you, which he could have directed to the realization of his own desires. If he refuses your gratitude, then in this case you owe nothing.
  4. Do not force yourself on the owner of the motorhome, for example, do not start a conversation if he does not want to, and also do not stay at a party more than you need to rest and repair.

Search for bikeposts

I believe that as of today, the top Internet resource where you can find information about motorhomes will be the CryptoMoto application. If a map were also attached to the site, it would be perfect. But even without a map, the resource contains data on 5 CIS countries, has a simple and fast search system by the name of a region or city. Also, in my opinion, this application has the greatest variety of contact information among similar sites: phone numbers for live conversation lovers, social networks and email for introverts.

The disadvantages of other sources of information about bikeposts are the coverage of only 1 country and the lack of a convenient site search.


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